I would like to introduce collaboration items with the original NY street brand called Elements of Style.
Elements of Style also known as EOS was a street brand established in New York in the early 90s. EOS was one of the first companies of its kind, and it was the first to pay attention to what is now called "streetwear." Believe it or not, "EOS" was once more popular than “Supreme” back then.

In 1995, I worked as a buyer for a store in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, called "JackPot." If I remember right, I saw EOS at either UNION NY or BOBBITO'S FOOTWORK. Since I bought all the EOS at UNION every time I went there, Marian from UNION gave me the EOS contact information.
This is how our relationship with EOS got started.

EOS was a very unusual street brand that combined HIP HOP culture with their own city's identity to create something really unique. Around this time period, I'll claim that "Stussy" was the only strong street brand that was both urban and surf focused. All of the others were strictly for surfboard or skateboard companies.
The city of New York was also in the spotlight at this period “Golden era of HIP HOP”. To their advantage, Hip Hop musicians BLACK MOON and Smif-N-Wessun were seen wearing EOS throughout the production of their promotional films. A number of well-known hip-hop musicians, including DJ MURO, BUDDHA BRAND, Shakkazombie, Zeebra, KAMINARI, Nitro Microphone Underground and others, were seen in their clothes while performing in Japan.

In today's society, people wait in line for strong footwear, but back in the day, our business JackPot always had a long queue when we introduced new EOS items.
People just starting to use the dial-up internet connection, and we didn't have any sources to look for street fashion; the only things we had were magazine marketing videos and television.Fortunately, our store JackPot was recognized as the second popular clothing store in Japan, and lots of magazines featured EOS and JackPot in their publications in Japan.
Every month, we sent container-sized shipments of EOS products to Japan.

In addition, if it weren't for EOS, my apparel brand would have stayed in business for 20 years. I am part of EOS. EOS is part of EXPANSION NY. And EOS is the source of my being. It was necessary for me to express my gratitude to them. I also like to give a big thanks to Tomoiro Ogawa from JackPot. He is the one of the pioneers of so called “streetwear” as well.
Lastly, EOS is relaunching again. Beware !!!

90年代SUPREME以上に人気があった幻のELEMENTS OF STYLE(EOS)と言うストリート・ブランドが存在していました。この度、弊社の20周年記念としてコラボレーションアイテムを発売します。
私ごとですが、95年セレクトショップ新宿のJACK POTのバイヤーをしておりました。買い付けの時、NYのセレクトショップUNION又はBOBBITO FOOTWORKでEOSを初めて目にした。UNIONでかなりのEOSの商品を買い付けしていたら社長のマリアンが直接電話してEOSを買いなさいと粋な計らいをした。当時治安の悪い地域のハーレムにEOSのOXINIとKENNYに会いに行き、そこからELEMENTS OF STYLEと私の旅が始まった。

NYのストリートブランドと言われているのはサーフ文化のSTUSSYぐらいでHIP HOPカルチャーとの混じり合い、音楽とカルチャーがリンクするストリートブランドはこの時期からでしょうか?
HIP HOPカルチャーの黄金期に突入。全て良いタイミング。
時代だったのでしょうか?NYではラッパーのBLACK MOONやSmif-N-Wessunと言うHIP HOPアーティストがNYで人気絶頂中、と同時にEOSの衣類をプロモーションビデオにて羽織っていた。日本ではDJ MURO氏, BUDDHA BRAND, Shakkazombie, Zeebra氏、雷、ニトロマイクロフォンアンダーグラウンドなどなど日本の代表するラッパーがユニフォームの様に着ていた。現在、別注スニーカー発売で並ぶ光景は良く見ますが、当時EOSの入荷日は新宿の靖国通りにB-BOY が並んでいました。

まだ昔のダイヤルアップ接続の「ピーヒョロロロ~♪」という音の時代。検索するという時代でも無い。情報量が少なかった。頼るのはプロモーションビデオと雑誌だけでした。セレクトショップ新宿のJACK POTがポパイと言う雑誌で日本で2番目に人気なセレクトショッと書かれたり、雑誌で良く取り上げられ、EOSの出荷は激増。たった6型でコンテナに入れる量を頻繁に送っていました。
最後にJACK POT 小川氏に感謝致します。そして誰も騒ぎませんが小川氏がストリートブランドのパイオニアでもあると言う事は確実であります。